Working Group “Nonlinear Optimization”

Secretary’s Office


Monika Thieme-Trapp

Phone: +49 (0)651 201 3485
Fax: +49 (0)651 201 3966
Office: E102, Universitätsring 15, 54296 Trier

Laura Sokolowski

Phone: +49 (0)651 201 3461
Fax: +49 (0)651 201 3966
Office: E129, Universitätsring 15, 54296 Trier


Aloïs Duguet

Phone: +49 (0)651 2013455
Office: E21, Universitätsring 15, 54296 Trier
Office hours: by appointment

Aloïs received his master degree in "Operational Research" at Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse (France) in 2020. He then completed a Ph.D. in Computer science in the LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse in 2023 under the supervision of Sandra U. Ngueveu. His main research interests are the approximation of nonlinear functions by piecewise linear functions with predefined errors as well as the computation of Nash equilibria in mixed-integer programming games. He particularly likes to apply branching methods to different settings.

Henri Lefebvre

Phone: +49 (0)651 2013455
Office: E21, Universitätsring 15, 54296 Trier
Office hours: by appointment

Henri received a Master degree in "Optimization and learning of systems" from the University of Technology of Compiègne (France) in 2019 as well as an Engineering degree in "Production systems" from the University of studies of Genova (Italy) the same year. He did his Ph.D. at the University of Bologna (DEI) under the supervision of Michele Monaci and Enrico Malaguti where he studied adjustable robust optimization problems with nonlinear recourses. His main research interests are in optimization under uncertainty and decomposition methods for large-scale applications. In particular, his work focuses on exact methods for two-stage robust problems with mixed-integer convex wait-and-see decisions using decomposition approaches.

PhD Students

Yasmine Beck

Phone: +49 (0)651 201 3861
Office: E4, Universitätsring 15, 54296 Trier

Yasmine studied Applied Mathematics at Trier University. She received her Bachelor’s degree in 3/2019 and her Master’s degree in 9/2020. Since 11/2020, she is working as a PhD student in Martin Schmidt‘s team at Trier University. Her research topics include bilevel optimization and optimization under uncertainty.

Ioana Molan

Phone: +49 (0)651 201 1975
Office: E103, Universitätsring 15, 54296 Trier

Ioana started studying in 2016 at Trier University where she received her Bachelor's degree in Business Mathematics in 9/2019. She finished her Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics in 4/2022 and started working as a PhD student in the research training group (RTG) “Algorithmic Optimization” (ALOP) under Martin Schmidt‘s supervision at Trier University. Her research interests include bilevel optimization, optimization under uncertainty and handling uncertaininty with machine learning approaches.

Andreas Horländer

Phone: +49 (0)651 201 1975
Office: E103, Universitätsring 15, 54296 Trier

Andreas studied Applied Mathematics at the Trier University, where he received his BSc in 07/2020 and finished his MSc degree in 04/2022. Starting with April 2022, he is working as a PhD student in the research training group (RTG) “Algorithmic Optimization” (ALOP) at Trier University. His research interests include bilevel problems and mixed integer programming.

Former PhD Students

  1. Thomas Kleinert
    PhD thesis (at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg):
    “Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Bilevel Problems with Convex Followers”
    The thesis won the GOR-Dissertationspreis 2022.

  2. Fränk Plein
    PhD thesis (at Trier University):
    “When Bilevel Optimization Meets Gas Networks: Feasibility of Bookings in the European Entry-Exit Gas Market Computational Complexity Results and Bilevel Optimization Approaches”

  3. Julia Grübel
    PhD thesis (at Trier University):
    “Existence, Uniqueness, and Algorithms for Equilibria in Competitive Energy Markets”

  4. Carina Moreira Costa
    PhD thesis (at Trier University) in co-supervision with Jan Pablo Burgard:
    “Computational Techniques for Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering, Cardinality-Constrained Optimization, and Robust Clustering Problems”

  5. Vanessa Krebs
    PhD thesis (at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg):
    “Well-posedness of Deterministic and Uncertain Linear Complementarity Problems with an Application to Electricity Markets”

  6. Marius Roland
    PhD thesis (at Trier University):
    “Adaptive Refinement Algorithms for Optimization Problems in Energy Transport Networks”

  7. Max Späth
    PhD thesis (at Trier University):
    “Spatial Ramsey-Type Equilibrium Modeling: Existence Theory, Numerical Methods, and Case Studies”

  8. Richard Krug
    PhD thesis (at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg):
    ”Decomposition Methods for Time-Dependent Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization Problems on Graphs”

  9. Maria Eduarda Pinheiro
    PhD thesis (at Trier University) in co-supervision with Jan Pablo Burgard:
    ”Mixed-Integer Optimization for Semi-Supervised Learning with Cardinality Constraints: Support Vector Machines, Classification Trees, and Random Forests”

Former PostDocs

  1. Johannes Thürauf

  2. Dennis Kreber

  3. Marina Leal Palazon